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Meet the Founder

Cynetra Freeman, faced a 3-year minimum mandatory sentence for Trafficking Heron in 2010. While incarcerated, she lost her job, home, car and personal valuables due to the length of time she was incarcerated.


Upon her release from a period of incarceration, Cynetra quickly realized the importance of having access to post-release services - other than probation - that would help her reestablish herself back into her community. Cynetra was able to find her way and reestablished herself back into her community after one year.

While researching ways to start a nonprofit and learning about reentry services and how she could benefit her community, she became ill with Chronic End Stage Renal Kidney Disease in 2012 and later Congestive Heart Failure in 2013 due to being on dialysis, she placed her dream on hold to focus on her health. Once her health began to decline even more and she came to the ultimate decision to return back to Mississippi where her maternal and paternal family lived.

In 2017, Cynetra’s health improved tremendously she returned back to her drome. On April 21, 2017, the Mississippi Center for Reentry was officially a business and on June 1, 2017, MS Reentry became an IRS recognized nonprofit organization. Since June 2, 2017, the Mississippi for Reentry has grown into the respectable nonprofit organization that it is today.

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