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Who is MS Reentry?

The Mississippi Center for Reentry (MS Reentry) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is leading the way Mississippi community members understands, recognize, and conquer recidivism and criminal justice reform.  


We work with local units of government, social and human services organizations, employers, housing providers, recovery centers, and the community to break the cycles of incarceration.


And with your support, MS Reentry can provide innovative services to justice impacted northwest Mississippians — so that they can have a better chance of rebuilding their lives after their release. 

M. Turner, Merigold, MS

“I was denied parole twice, but I heard about Ms. Freeman and her services from another person that I was locked up with. When I was able to finally speak with her, she accepted my case and I was granted parole on September 10, 2023, and I can't thank her enough for that."

Our Mission

The mission of the Mississippi Center for Reentry is to reduce recidivism and create inclusive communities, for justice impacted northwest Mississippians through criminal justice reform and comprehensive support services. Consistent with the vision of our founder Cynetra Freeman, no one is alone in their life after incarceration. 

What Does MS Reentry Do?


MS Reentry is dedicated to improving the lives of justice impacted northwest Mississippians by providing support services that ensures their sustainability after their period of incarceration.


In addition to support services, MS Reentry is dedicated to advocating for systemic reforms that promote successful reintegration. Each day we are working reform that will empower inclusive communities and enhance public safety. 

“I had to choose between eating and having a place to stay for the month, or paying my probation fees so I didn't violate.”


T. Brown, Past Client

Crisis has no borders. There are thousands of justice impacted people struggling with their release in northwest Mississippi. And we want to help all of them. Everyone deserves a second chance. 


Show your support by donating today.

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